Below is a very small list of links to genealogy related web sites - these will prove helpful if you are not yet acquainted with them
- Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on The Internet
- Download the Legacy Family Tree genealogy program: (Standard edition is free)

- Family Search Internet Genealogy Service (This is Highly Recommended)
- Sub topics:
- Research Guidance. A tool that helps you decide what records to use to find information about your ancestor. It lists the best records to use, recommends the order in which to search them, provides step-by-step instructions for finding information in the records, and tells you where the copies of the records may be located. (updated: June 22 2001)
- Research Helps. This is an online replacement for "Source Guide." It includes research outlines,
Historical backgrounds and information on how to find a map, name variations and so forth. (updated: June 22 2001)